Resource Sharing Q A

 Resource Sharing 

1. What key aspect differentiates today's digital media from traditional media?

 A. Longevity                                      B. Interactivity

 C. Portability                                     D.  Integrity                        


2. What is one component of digital-media grammar that differs from other types of media?

 A. Hypertext                                     B. On-demand video and audio

 C. Advertisement                           D. User-generated content.


3. One trend working against online magazines is

A. A lack of desire among the public to see beautiful images and layouts.

B. Tiredness of all the ads seen in most print magazines.

C. Less willingness among readers to read long text pieces online

D. All of the above.


4. What is data privacy?

A. Data privacy is the protection of personal data

B. Users who should not have access to it

C. The ability of individuals to determine who can access their personal information

D. All of the above mentioned


5. Match the following statement

a) Metropolitan Network                              1. University Campus Library Network

b) Local Area Network                                  2. Calcutta Library Network

c) Developing Library Network                   3. ADINET

d) INFLIBNET                                             4. DELNET

e) Ahemdabad Library Network                 5. Information and Library Network


A.  a - 2 . b – 1. c – 4.  d – 5.  e – 3              B.  a - 2 . b – 3.  c – 1.  d – 4.  e – 5  

C.  a - 1 . b – 3.  c – 2.  d – 5.  e – 4             D.  a - 1 . b – 2.  c – 3.  d – 4.  e – 5  

6. Limited purpose networks cooperating with respect to limited special subject areas is

A. OCLC         B. RLIN               C. FORSA          D. INFLIBNET

7. DELNET is sponsored by 


8. Which of the following are not applicable in resource sharing methods in libraries?

A. Inter-library loan, Cooperative acquisition

B. Library consortium, Exchange of publications

C. Human Resources, Library Funds/Budget

D. None of the above

9. which year Union card catalogue of public library holdings
developed in California.

A. 1909 B. 1916 C. 1919 D. 2017

10. When the UGC INFONET launched to provide access to
e-resources to the universities in In India.

A. January 2000     B. December 2002
c. Janaury 2010                   D. December 2022

Match the following

a. Library Cooperation :      1. Two or more libraries working together to achieve their goals of providing effective service to their users.

b. Resource Sharing :         2. Two or more libraries/information systems sharing their resources to satisfy increased pressure of user demands. The resources may be physical or intellectual.

c. Library Networks :           3. Two or more libraries connected together through  telecommunication links for effective sharing of resources overcoming the barriers of geographical distances.

d. Library Consortia :           4. Libraries and publishers coming together for mutual benefit and enabling collaborative acquisition of e-documents to a group of libraries.

A. a - 1, b – 2, c - 3, d - 4

B. a – 1, b - 3, c – 2, d - 4

C. a – 2, b – 1, c – 4, d - 3

D. a – 1, b – 3, c – 4, d -2


S. no


S. no


S. no


S. no


















































Dr. K. Sakkaravarthi
I am Dr. K. Sakkaravarthi, MBA.,MLISc., Ph.D., (Both NET and SET qualified)

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